fredag 16. januar 2009

Meet Ogrish !!

Today i started this blog ... just wated to have a place to put out my Ogrea army and show them to the world... they are after all my ... pets :D

Ill start with showing my prize posessions, my hero units :)

Here is my Bruizer ... Rough, brutal and deadly in all his appearance... face him and you face the next world ...
I wanted him to be just a tad special, as i at that point ( when i made him ) had no skills whatsoever with greenstuff...
He is impaling an unlucky opponent ( taken from LOTR miniatures) which really give a nice effect to his size.

" Yarr... me thinks that will hurt .. You wil do fine... for dinner!"

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You want say helu ? . good.. Ogrish like..
Come to dinner.. im having a friend....